• Second International Workshop on Cryptography and its Applications :

    2 IWCA 19

    18-19 June 2019, U.S.T.O-MB, ORAN. ALGERIA

    Faculty of Electrical Engineering/ (USTO-MB)

    Department of Electronics LACOSI. Lab: Laboratory of Coding and Security of Information


Topics within the scope of the conference include the following areas, but not limited to:


•              Cryptographics standards and applications
•              Cryptanalysis
•              Cryptographic algorithms, their design and implementation FPGA
•              Number theory, elliptic curves, lattices and coding theory
•              Cryptography and legislation
•              Quantum and Post Quantum cryptography
•              Privacy enhancing technologies
•              Provable security
•              Blockchain
•              RFID - security and cryptography aspects, etc.
•              IoT security
•              Cryptographic software
•              Chaos Generation, Characterization and Synchronization
•              Chaos-based Crypto and Crypto Compression Systems
•              Chaos based Steganography
•              Chaos-based Watermarking
•              Chaos-based Crypto-Biometric Schemes
•              Biometry
•              Steganography
•             Cloud Computing Security
•              Watermarking
•              Malware and Viruses,

•              Wireless Network Security (Internet, WSNs, UMTS, WiFi, WiMAX, WiMedia and others)

•             Physical layer security




Honorary President of the conference :

Prof. Benharrats Nacéra : The Rector of the USTO-MB,

Conference Chairs :

Prof. Adda Ali-Pacha and Prof. Sedat Akleylek

The submission site is not open at : https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=2iwca19




Submission deadlines:

18/01/2019 -> 15/05/2019 :Submission of the complete paper
18/02/2019 -> 20/05/2019:Notification of acceptance of the paper
27/03/2019-> 30/05/2019: Camera ready, final version of the paper

Registration fees:(The fee covers accommodation, lunch, coffee breaks and social event)

Author participant: 5000 DA /Student: 3000 DA
Other: 10000 DA













For further information contact:

Secretariat of the Workshop 2’IWCA'19
Department of Electronics, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, USTO-MB
BP 1505 EL M’Naouer Oran (31000)  Algeria

Mob. :  +213 664811717  //   +90 362 3121919-1099




