Registration in Master
The University of Science and Technology of USTO-MB announces the opening of the application in Master in the academic year 2023-2024.
For M1 students
New LMD graduates from other institutions (excluding USTO-MB)
Former graduates of the institution’s LMD license (prior to 2022)
Former LMD graduates from other institutions
Graduates of the classical system (Bac+4)
For M2 students
Holders of Bac+5 level diplomas
Holders of a degree in medical sciences issued by a higher education institution
Holder of a foreign diploma recognized as equivalent
For the 80% graduates in Bachelor’s degree of the USTO-MB in 2022 the application will be made at the level of faculties (the filing of file)
No transfer for the Masters
For Master’s degree applications 20% of the time