University of Oran of Sciences and Technology, Algeria. –USTO-MB
Faculty of Electrical Engineering
International Smart City Conference ISCC’24
12-13 November 2024
Oran, Algeria
Organized by
Microsystems and Embedded Systems Laboratory (LMSE) Under the support of the General Research Direction and Scientific Development of Technology
Honorary Chairman
Pr. Hamou Ahmed the President of the University of Oran of Sciences and Technology
Pr. GHALEM Bachir, the Dean of the Electrical Engineering Faculty –USTOMB
The organization of the International Smart City Conference (ISCC’24) is motivated by the desire of the public authorities to accelerate the digital transition and improve the quality of services dedicated to citizens, based on digital tools and emergent technologies.
The main aim of this conference is to provide local authorities with expertise, support and operational solutions for smart cities.
The smart city, based on the IoT, AI and embedded systems, is a cross-cutting concept that concerns all sectors of the economy and society: energy, health, transport, education, environment, construction, commerce, telecommunications, NTICs, etc.
During this conference, we will focus on the following three tracks:
1- Smart Energy and Environmental Systems in Urban Environments
2- e-Health.
3- Intelligent Transportation Systems ( ITS)
The aim of the conference is to bring together the various stakeholders, from academia, public authorities, businesses and start-ups, to discuss topics relating to the intelligent city, including energy, the environment, health, transport and new information and communication technologies, with the aim of examining current developments, future prospects and formulating, and to encourage the convergence of ideas, expertise and resources to develop innovative solutions in key areas , finally to bringing together all the relevant stakeholders and promoting interdisciplinary collaboration to develop innovative solutions and achieve a truly intelligent city.
Topics of interest :
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
Track 1: Smart energy and the environment in urban environments.
– Photovoltaic solar energy,
– Smart energy management in urban environments
– Smart electricity distribution network.
– Converters for urban photovoltaic systems
– Smart integration of fuel cells in energy networks.
– Smart public lighting.
– Smart environmental monitoring (water, air, soil).
– Smart waste management systems.
– Smart management of green spaces.
– Emerging Technologies.
Track 2: e-Health.
– Biosensors and sensors applied to health
– Telehealth: patient-doctor communication, medical diagnosis, continuous supervision, education and advice.
– Telemedicine: diagnosis, monitoring, applications…..
– Cybersecurity and confidentiality of e-health data.
– M-health:, mobile digital applications. Telecommunication
– AI applied to e-Health
Track 3: Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS).
– Sensors, detectors, actuators and telecommunications in ITS
– Advanced transport security systems
– Intelligent traffic management
– Vehicle localisation, object tracking and navigation
– Artificial intelligence, machine learning and deep learning for intelligent transport systems (ITS)
– Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS)
– Automated Driving Systems (ADS)
– Autonomous Connected Vehicles
Organizing Committee :
Chairman : Pr. Mekkakia-Maaza Nasreddine
Pr. Ouslim Mohammed, USTO-MB, Algeria
Dr. Mouhadjer Hassane, USTO-MB, Algeria
Pr. Zerhouni fatima Zohra, USTO-MB, Algeria
Pr. Dahmani Mohamed, USTO-MB, Algeria
Pr. Meche Abdelkrim, USTO-MB, Algeria
Dr. Sahari Mohamed, USTO-MB, Algeria
Dr. Lakhdari Fethi, USTO-MB, Algeria
Dr. Mazouz Nacéra, USTO-MB, Algeria
Dr. Zegrar Mansour, USTO-MB, Algeria
Dr. Djelloul Mazouz Lakhdar, USTO-MB, Algeria
Dr. Benmessaoud Mohammed Tarik, USTO-MB, Algeria
Dr. Zafrane Mohamed Amine, USTO-MB, Algeria
Dr. Brezini Salah Eddine, USTO-MB, Algeria
Dr. Baquhaizel abdullah, USTO-MB, Algeria
Dr. Ais Aziz, USTO-MB, Algeria
Dr. Temmar Ryad, USTO-MB, Algeria
Dr. Mebtouche Hanane, USTO-MB, Algeria
Mr. Ghrici Yacine, USTO-MB, Algeria
Scientific Committee :
Chairman: Pr.Ouslim Mohamed
Pr. Mekkakia Maaza Nasreddine, USTO-MB, Algeria
Pr. Berrached Nasreddine, USTO-MB, Algeria
Pr. Boudghene Stambouli Amine, USTO-MB, Algeria
Pr. Midoun Abdelhamid, USTO-MB, Algeria
Pr. Zerhouni Fatima Zohra, USTO-MB, Algeria
Dr. Tokatli Nazlı, ISTUN university , Istanbul ,Turkey
Pr. Altun Halis, ISTUN university , Istanbul ,Turkey
Pr. Zidouri Abdelmalek, KFUPM- Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Pr. Brihoum E. Mohamed, University of Florda- USA
Pr. Laouid Abdelkader, El Oued university -Algeria
Pr. Merah Mostefa, UMAB Mostaganem, Algeria
Pr. Salah Al-ghamdi, University .of Albaha, Saudi Arabia
Dr. Oudjida Abdelkrim Kamel, CDTA, Algeria
Pr. Zerikat Mokhtar, ENPO-MA, Oran, Algeria
Pr Bendella Fatima, USTO-MB, Algeria
Pr. Mekkakia Maaza Zoulikha, USTO-MB, Algeria
Pr. Mohamad Khalil, Lebanese University, Lebanon
Pr. Kechar Bouabdellah, Univ Oran 1, Algeria
Pr. Benoudnine Hadjira, Univ. Mostaghanem, Algeria
Dr. Cheriet Mohamed Amine, CDS , Oran, Algeria
Dr. Meddeber Lila, USTO-MB, Algeria
Pr. Draou Azeddine, University of Medina, Saudi Arabia
Pr. Rahmani Bouabdallah, USTO-MB, Algeria
Dr. Zegrar Mansour, USTO-MB, Algeria
Dr Bentayeb Samia, Univ. Ain Timouchent, Algeria
Dr. Benmessaoud Mourad, ENPO-MA, Oran, Algeria
Dr. Mohammad Hossein Doranehgard, IJHE, San Isidro, Peru
Dr. Johnny Nahui-Ortiz IJHE, San Isidro, Peru
Dr. Aizi Kamel, ENPO-MA, Oran, Algeria
Dr. Benmessaoud Mohammed Tarik, USTO-MB, Algeria
Pr. Dahmani Mohamed,USTO-MB, Algeria
Dr. Zafrane Mohamed Amine, USTO-MB, Algeria
Pr. Ibrahim Dincer, OTU, Oshawa, Ontario, Canada
Dr. Abdelmoujib Benkada, USTO-MB, Algeria
Dr. Mazouz Nacéra, USTO-MB, Algeria
Dr. Brezini Salah Eddine, USTO-MB, Algeria
Pr. Ali Tahri, USTO-MB, Algeria
Dr. Louy Qoaider, Ger.Jord. University, Jordan
Dr. Baquhaizel Abdullah, USTO-MB, Algeria
Dr. Zerhouni M’Hamed Houari, USTO-MB, Algeria
Dr. Qiang Liao, Univ.S EPE, Chongqing, China
Dr. Della Krachai Mohamed, USTO-MB, Algeria
Pr. Mustafa Acaroğlu, Selçuk University, Konya, Turkey
Dr. Belharazem Adel, USTO-MB, Algeria
Pr Haffaf Hafid, Univ Oran 1, Algeria
Pr Bouamrane Karim, Univ Oran 1, Algeria
Dr. Aoued Houari, USTO-MB, Algeria
Pr. Adel Mellit, UM SB, Jijel, Algeria
Dr. Allali Abdelmadjid, UHB, Chlef, Algeria
Dr. Mustapha Hatti, UDES/CDER , Algeria
Pr. Al Shaqaqi Belal, Univ. Oran 2, Algeria
Pr. Meche Abdelkrim, USTO-MB, Algeria
Pr. Zigh Ehlem , USTO-MB, Algeria
Pr Lehsaini Mohamed, Univ. Tlemcen, Algeria
Dr. Choucha Chams Eddine,USTO-MB, Algeria
Dr. Hachemi Mohamed, USTO-MB, Algeria
Dr. Benhadda Yamina, USTO-MB, Algeria
Dr. Bakha Yamna, CDTA, Algeria
Pr. Benouzza Noureddine, USTO-MB, Algeria
Pr. Benghanem Mustapha, USTO-MB, Algeria
Pr. Boudinar Ahmed Hamida, USTO-MB, Algeria
Pr. Sultana Bouzadi, USTO-MB, Algeria
Pr. Bouhamida Mohamed, USTO-MB, Algeria
Dr Negaz Nabil, USTO-MB, Algeria