
University of Oran of Sciences and Technology, Algeria. –USTO-MB

Faculty of Physics

The International Conference on Material Physics and Fluids



  Organized by

Materials and Fluids Physics Laboratory & Central Research and Development Department-SONATRACH


Under the aegis of

  • Pr. Hamou Ahmed the President of the University of Oran of Sciences and


  • Pr. Tebboune Abdelghani the Dean of the Physics Faculty –USTOMB


Pr. Mohamed Esseghir Ferhat    and    Pr. Hocine Alla


The International Conference on Material Physics and Fluids (ICMPF-2024) will be organized in the beautiful city of Oran, Algeria.



Dear Researchers and Colleagues, It is a great pleasure to announce that the Committee of the Material Physics and Fluids Laboratory will host the International Conference on Material Physics and Fluids (ICMPF-2024) which will be held in the prestigious city of Oran (Algeria) on November 27 to 29, 2024. The ICMPF-2024 Conference aims to bring together renowned researchers and scientists to exchange ideas, to present relevant research work, to discuss hot topics in the field, and also share their experiences on all aspects of Material Physics and Fluids. The International Conference on Material Physics and Fluids (ICMPF-2024), which will be held on November 27 to 29, 2024, Oran, Algeria. On behalf of the committee of ICMPF-2024, we sincerely invite our research scientists in the respective fields to act as a speaker/chairman to give a lecture on the below topics. We look forward for the participation of most researchers in the field.

Research areas

The ICMPF-2024 conference provides a premier forum for the presentation of new advances and research results in the fields of materials and fluid physics and their applications. Accordingly, the conference topics of interest include:


Topic I: Enhanced Oil Recovery and Reservoir Simulation-EOR-RS

Topic II: Material physics and renewable energies

Topic III: Physical modeling in medicine Epidemic analysis and treatment

Scientific Committee :

Chairman: Pr. Mokhtar ElChikh

Pr. Mohamed Essghir Ferhat, USTO-MB, Oran Algeria.

Pr. Hocine Alla, USTO-MB, Oran Algeria.

Pr. Ali Zaoui, Polytechnic, Polytechnic School of Lille, France.

Pr. Bachir Bouhafs,  University of Sidi Bel-Abbes, Algeria.

Dr. Thibault Roques-Carmes, University of Lorraine, Nancy, France.

Pr. Mokhtar ElChikh, USTO-MB, Oran Algeria.

Pr. Mohammed Messaad, USTO-MB, Oran Algeria.

Dr. Mohamed Khodja,  SONATRACH/IAP of Boumerdes, Algeria.

Pr. Said Hiadsi, USTO-MB, Oran Algeria.

Pr. Zheyu Liu, Colledge of Petroleum Engineering, Beijing, China. 

Pr. Martin Wörner, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology Germany.

Pr Fatima Hamdache, USTO-MB, Oran Algeria.

Pr. Gérard Vergoten, University of Lille, France.

Dr. Amina Leila Khelil, Pediatric EHS Canastel, Oran, Algeria.

Pr. Marco Marengo, University of Brighton, UK.

Pr. Ali Cheknane,  University of Laghouat, Algeria.

Pr. Tiab Djebbar, University of Oklahoma, USA.

Pr. Philippe Christol,  University of Montpellier2, France.

Dr. Jean Philippe Perez, University of Montpellier2, France.

Pr. Wasila Sekkal, Polytechnic School of Lille, France.

Pr. Idriss Bedja,  King, Saud University, Saud Arabia.

Pr. Antonio Puertas, Almeria University, Spain.

Pr. Nasr-Eddine Berrached, Algeria.

Pr. Hafida Miloudi, Algeria.

Pr. Manuel Garcia Velarde, Madrid University, Spain.

Pr. Ferial Terki, University of Montpellier, France.

Pr. Abdeslam-Hassen Meniai, university of constantine3, Algeria.

Dr.Abdelhakim Deghmoum, DC R&D, SONATRACH, Algeria.

Mr.Maamar Djarir, PED, SONATRACH, Algeria.

 Pr. Aziz BOUKRAA, Université de Mostaganem.

Pr. Hamzaoui Saad, USTO-MB, Oran Algeria.

Pr. Zerdali Mokhtar, USTO-MB, Oran Algeria.

Pr. Belbachir  Ahmed hafid, USTO-MB, Oran Algeria.

Organizing Committee  :

Chairman: Dr. Fatiha Ghaleb

Dr. Fatiha Ghaleb, USTO-MB, Oran Algeria.

Pr. Hocine Ait Kaci, USTO-MB, Oran Algeria.

Dr. Saadia Benhalouche, USTO-MB, Oran Algeria.

Dr. Fatima Mehnane, USTO-MB, Oran Algeria.

Dr. Hichem Benaissa,   Univ-Relizane, Algeria.

Dr. Arbia Chariat, Univ-Oran 1, Algeria.

Mr. Lahouari Benabed, USTO-MB, Oran Algeria.

Dr. Salim Baadj,  USTO-MB, Oran Algeria.

Dr. Farouk Boutaiba,  USTO-MB, Oran Algeria.

Dr. Radjaa Megherbi, USTO-MB, Oran Algeria.

Dr. Asma Saim, USTO-MB, Oran Algeria.

Pr. Djaaffar Rached, USTO-MB, Oran Algeria.

Mr. Rabah Guerroudji, USTO-MB, Oran Algeria.

Dr. Lilia Beldi,   USTO-MB, Oran Algeria.

Mr. Sid Ahmed  Djeffal, USTO-MB, Oran Algeria.

Mr. Khtir Sidi Mohamed Abdelatif, USTO-MB, Oran Algeria

Keynote speaker

Pr. Mohamed Essghir Ferhat Faculté de Physique, USTO-MB, Oran Algérie
Pr. Hocine Alla Faculté de Physique, USTO-MB, Oran Algérie
Pr. Bachir Bouhafs Département de Physique, Sidi Bel-Abbes, Algérie
Dr. Thibault Roques-Carmes LRGP – ENSIC – Université de Lorraine, Nancy, France.
Dr. KHODJA Mohamed Cadre dirigeant de la SONATRACH
Pr. zheyu liu College of Petroleum Engineering, China University of Petroleum, Beijing, China
Pr. Martin Wörner Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT).
Pr. Ali Zaoui Ecole polytechnique de Lille, France
Pr. Marco Marengo Director of the Advanced Engineering Centre, University of Brighton, UK
Pr. Hossein Hejazi Department of Chemical and Petroleum Engineering, University of Calgary, CANADA.

Dr Hanene Zahaf,   USTO-MB, Oran Algeria.

Dr. Abdeldjelil Habib Zahmai, Algeria.

Mr. Ahmed Denna, USTO-MB, Oran Algeria.

Dr. Nawel Belmiloud, USTO-MB, Oran Algeria.

Dr. Omar Bentata, USTO-MB, Oran Algeria.

Dr. Hanane Boutchiche, USTO-MB, Oran Algeria

Dr. Kada LAROUSSI, USTO-MB, Oran Algeria

Dr. Rabia RAHMANI, USTO-MB, Oran Algeria

Dr. Ahlem BENAZZOUZ, USTO-MB, Oran Algeria

Dr. Rania Boulefa, USTO-MB, Oran Algeria

Dr. Ali Bouhdjar, USTO-MB, Oran Algeria

Dr. Meriem Harmel, USTO-MB, Oran Algeria

Melle Achouri Ilhem PED Sonatrach, Alger
Mr Nadjib Radouane USTO-MB

Mme Yahi Lina DCRD Sonatrach Boumerdès
Mme Mahor Djamila, DCRD Sonatrach Boumerdès

Dr. Assassi Fatima, USTO-MB, Oran Algeria

Dr. Aouichia  Mustapha, USTO-MB, Oran Algeria

Dr. TEKKOUK Yamina, USTO-MB, Oran Algeria

Dr. KAID DJENANE Imène, USTO-MB, Oran Algeria

Dr. HADDAD Fatima Zohra, USTO-MB, Oran Algeria

Important dates:

Abstracts submitted to the ICMPF-2024 conference are examined by the scientific committee.

  • The deadline of registration is Sunday, September 15,2024, at the link https://forms.univ-usto.dz/icmpf2024 and for receiving abstracts by using email address: cipmf-2024@univ-usto.dz,thus respecting the template template ICMPF-2024 with the mention of the number and the research area.
  • The date of notification of acceptance is scheduled for Sunday, October 13, 2024.
  • Full papers accepted by the ICMPF-2024 scientific committee must be sent, no later than Sunday, October 20, 2024.


Welcome to Oran City (Wahran)

Oran is a major port city located in the north-west of Algeria. It is the second largest city in the country,