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N Goufi, R Idir, D Kerdal, A Abidelah, N Kaid, 2018, Analyse des caractéristiques physiques et mécaniques de bétons de granulats recyclés de béton pour la valorisation de ce type de granulats. Academic Journal of Civil Engineering 36 (1), 150-154
- A Messaoudi, M Bouzit, N Boualla, 2018, Physical and rheological properties of the Chorfa dam mud: dependency on solids concentration, Applied Water Science 8, 1-9, Springer International Publishing.
- DJELLOUL R., BOUROKBA MRABENT S.A.; HACHICHI A. FLEUREAU. M., 2018, Effect of Cement on the Drying–Wetting Paths and on Some Engineering Properties of a Compacted Natural Clay from Oran, Algeria. Geotechnical and Geological Engineering, pp. 993-1010, Volume n° 36(2),. DOI 10.1007/s10706-017-0370-1
- SEBSADJI S. K., 2018, Nouvelle Approche Pour La Formulation Des BAP Basée Sur Le Concept de Dimension Fractale, Academic Journal of Civil Engineering 36(1) : 255–58.
2017 –
- BOUROKBA MRABENT S. A. ; DJELLOUL R ; HACHICHI A. ; FLEUREAU. M., 2017, Effect of Cement on Suction and Pore Size Distribution Before and After Swelling of a Natural Clay from Algeria. In International Congress and Exhibition, Sustainable Civil Infrastructures: Innovative Infrastructure Geotechnology » (pp. 64-75). Springer, Cham. 2017, July.
- Abidelah A., Bouchaïr A., Kerdal D.,2014, Influence of the flexural rigidity of the bolt on the behavior of the T-stub steel connection. Engineering Structures 81, 181–194.
- Djebli B., Kerdal D., Abidelah A., 2014, The Total Deflection of Composite Cellular Beams Under Transverse Loading. Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, DOI 10.1007/s13369-014-1227-z
- Abidelah A., Bouchaïr A., Kerdal D., 2012, Experimental and analytical behavior of bolted end-plate connections with or without stiffeners. Journal of Constructional Steel Research 76:13–27
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- N Kaid, M Cyr, H Khelafi, 2015, Characterization of an Algerian natural pozzolan for its use in eco-efficient cement, International Journal of Civil Engineering 13 (4), 444-454